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Born in Tokyo and studied photography at London College Communications, University of the Arts London.

Upon returning to Tokyo after the Great Eastern Earthquake in 2011, Moe self taught book binding skills and started a career as a visual

artist making numerous personal projects into hand bound art books. Her primary medium is photography, which is mixed with archival images and illustrations in order to tell narratives in the books and installations. She engages in visual expression on the subject of memories and landscapes that transform along the passage of time, changes in environment, development, disability and relationships within the community. 

Her latest artist book Sokohi has received worldwide recognition, also exhibited worldwide in Tokyo, Kyoto, Singapore, Australia, Northern Ireland and France.


London College of Communications,University of the Arts London,





2004-2007  BA(Hons) Photography / London College of Communications, University of the Arts London, UK
2012-2014  Graphic Design / Kyoto University of Art and Design / Kyoto, Japan

Solo Exhibitions

2024 Aabuku / Reminders Photography Stronghold gallery, Tokyo / RPS Kyoto Paperoles, Kyoto /  FotoSpace Reago, Naha


SOKOHI / readan deat, Hiroshima 


SOKOHI Chose Commune edition publication exhibition / Reminders Photography Stronghold, Tokyo

SOKOHI / bookobscura,  Tokyo 

Today's Island - dismantling / Green Thanks Supply, Tokyo

SOKOHI / blackbird books, Osaka

SOKOHI Chose Commune edition publication exhibition / RPS Kyoto Paperoles, Kyoto

2021  Today’s Island / Green Thanks Supply, Tokyo

2020  SOKOHI / Reminders Photography Stronghold gallery, Tokyo

2017 Transformare / Uradana, Tokyo

2016 Behind Banyan Books / Kosumi Tosho Library, Tokyo

2015 Beginning of the Beginnings / Tokyo Metropolitan Senkawa Primary School, Tokyo

Group Exhibition

2024 Speculative Horizon 1.5 / CAP, Kuwait



Blooming Like Flowers, 2023 China Japan
Photography Exchange Exhibition / Nigbo Art Museum, China

EXPOSURE + Photo Festival / GMBB, Kuala Lumpur


Asama International Photo Festival, Alt Photo, The Virtual Exhibition

Luma Rencontres de la photographie 2022 (Book Award) Arles, France


The Fineman New Photography Award 2021 / Ballarat Foto Biennale / Australia

Women in Film & Photography 2021 / Objectifs, Singapore

KG+select Finalists’ Show / Kyotographie, Kyoto

Open Call winners’ exhibition / Belfast Photo Festival, Northern Ireland

Kassel Dummy Award exhibition tour / Aarhus, Prague, Istanbul, Singapore, Hong Kong and more.

2019 Photobook as Object Exhibition / Reminders Photography Stronghold gallery, Tokyo

2016 The Library / Toki Art Space, Tokyo

2014 Graduation Show / Kyoto University of Art and Design

2007 Selected Graduates Show / AMV BBDO, London

2006 The Photographic Portrait Prize 2006 / National Portrait Gallery, London

Awards / Grants  / Selections


Arttaca Grant 2024 grantee
Dummy Book Award, shortlisted


POY ASIA, Issue Reporting Story, Award of Excellence

EXPOSURE + Photo 2023, Selcted artist

2022 “Our Favourite Photobooks of 2022” / MoMA


The Fineman New Photography Award, Finalist

KG+ Select, Finalist

Luma Rencontres Dummy Book Award Arles, Laureate

MACK First Book Award, Shortlisted

2020 Kassel Dummy Award, Special Mention


2019 Photobook as Object by Yumi Goto and Jan Rosseel

2017 Atlas Lab by Yumi Goto and Amak Mahmoodian


2022 Today's Island dismantling, self-published

2022 SOKOHI, Chose Commune

2020 SOKOHI, self-published

2017 transformare,self-published

2016 Sketchbook thinking through, self-published

2014 Living with the strangers, self-published


The Mainichi, The Braille Mainichi, IMA online, Bijutsu Techo, Capa Camera Web, AnOther online, Industrial Photography, BJP online etc


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